Continued from part one...
I felt satisfied with the look of the grave site once I had planted the flowers, and gave them a good drink. Even so, I was still perplexed by the arrival of the new plants that came overnight.
On our way out of the cemetery, I called my mom to tell her of the interesting thing that happened. She said, "Oh, honey, that was me! Yesterday I was painting my armoire and suddenly my dad's picture fell out into my view. It made me realize it was Memorial Day and I even thinking about him. I decided to go to the cemetery. I noticed there weren't any flowers so I bought some and brought them back to plant. I must have done all of this after you were the first time!"
How funny that the two of us would think to go there on the same day, notice there weren't any flowers then buy some and plant them.
This year we went together and planted Astilbe, some sage ground cover, and fixed up the site even more. It looks great!
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