My sister is getting married on saturday, so my other sister and I were throwing her a bachellorette party. I can remember a few times where I was doubled over because I was laughing so hard.
My other sister and I dressed up in kimonos after we had just went to a shushi restaurant (Koto Buki - all time favorite so far!). The kimonos were hilarious. They were rented from Kentucky which I found to be even funnier when I thought about it. (I have a great respect for the Japanese Tradition Dancing, but you have to admit that kimono costumes are hilarious when combined with a bad lipstick job and black bun wigs!)
we were going to do origami, but i forgot to bring the paper, so we did our own humble pedicures at 4 in the morning instead.
Here are two interesting clips of some tradiditonal Japanese dancing:
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