Here is a hilarious e-mail conversation I had with my sister about an awesome finger cuff she knit up on size US 000 needles using handspun laceweight yarn!
“I laughed out loud when I saw the name. I wasn't slow on that one! Really awesome cuff!”
“I don't understand why this is funny- please do tell!!”
“Don’t you know?”
“No- should I change the title..... Is it perverted or something?? Tell me about it”
“What would you do if you were hitchhiking and the cars just passed you by?”
“What are you talking about? You are making me laugh and I still don't understand...”
”'Jaywalker’ is a super popular sock pattern that I loosely used as a guide for the pattern in this knitting.”
“OOOhhh, I was thinking “jaywalker” was “hitchhiker”. This made me think it was solely made to decorate the finger you flipped those cars off with.”
“Ah-hah! it is hilarious- you crack-a me up”
“The funniest thing is that I was so happy with myself that I wasn’t slow on getting that joke…it wasn’t a joke. Wow, I am slow! Now I have to laugh at myself! I like the jaywalker stitch!”
Don't feel bad, when I saw the name of the finger cuff I giggled too. I thought that it was to be used to flip jaywalkers a brightly colored bird! That is too funny that it is actually the name of the pattern!
P.S. this is my favorite part of the above conversation:
“What are you talking about? You are making me laugh and I still don't understand...”
its extra funny seeing this conversation all on one page :P
You three are sooooo funny! I thought exactly what Maia thought!
Love, Mom
Where can I get one? Awesome!!!
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